“履职答卷写在大地上” 新华网英文版这样向世界介绍全国人大代表朱有勇的故事
发布时间: 2021-04-02      来源:新华网英文版      【字体:大 中 小】     分享到:

4月1日,新华网英文版发表题为《A signature on the land-Zhu Youyong, deputy to the National People's Congress》(《履职答卷写在大地上——全国人大代表朱有勇》)的文章,介绍了来自云南省的全国人大代表朱有勇的履职故事。



Zhu Youyong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Yunnan Agricultural University in southwest China, was bestowed the title of "role model of the times," in recognition of his contributions both in science and poverty reduction.


